Dear customer, after you buy the product on the product order logistics have any questions can contact our mailbox, send us your order number, we will be the first time to solve your problems. Because of covid-19, our order shipping takes more time, please your understanding.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How long will it take to receive my package?
A: Please note that we require 1 to 3 working days on average to fulfill your order before dispatching it. Rest-assured we are doing everything in our power to get your order to you as soon as possible! Once your order is dispatched, depending on your country or region, estimated delivery time is between 7 to 10 business days. Please consider any holidays that might impact delivery times.

Q: Is shipping free to all countries & regions?
A: We are able to offer FREE shipping once your order is over $79.

Q: What is the company return policy?
A: We will replace all defective units with a new item upon 30 days of shipment arrival. For more information

if your questions have already been answered!

Hit us up with any comments or suggestions to help us improve to serve you better! We're always happy to help!

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